DMM - Nutset3: Wallnut Set 1-11+Alloy Offset Set 7-11+Torque 1-4, 20-teilig

DMM - Nutset3: Wallnut Set 1-11+Alloy Offset Set 7-11+Torque 1-4, 20-teilig
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Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage
Art.Nr.: 034079
GTIN/EAN: 5031290198509
Hersteller: DMM
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Nutset3: Wallnut Set 1-11 + Alloy Offset Set 7-11 + Torque 1-4, 20-teilig

Das 20-teilige DMM Nutset 3 beinhaltet die komplette Range an Wallnuts Gr. 1-11 + die komplette Range an Offsets 7-11 + das Torque Set 1-4!

Wer viel mit Klemmkeilen arbeitet und alle Größen abdecken möchte, kommt an diesem Komplettset nicht vorbei.

Wallnut Set No. 1-11

Die Wallnuts aus dem Hause DMM sind die richtige Wahl, wenn es um hochwertige Keile geht. Sie werden heiss geschmiedet, sind gewichtsoptimiert und farbig eloxiert.

+ Bruchlast: 1=7kN, 2=9kN, 3=11kN, 4=12kN, 5=12kN, 6=12kN, 7=12kN, 8=12kN, 9=12kN, 10=12kN
+ Einsatzbereich: 1=13mm, 2=13.8mm, 3=14.5mm, 4=15.3mm, 5=16.8mm, 6=19mm, 7=21mm, 8=24mm, 9=28mm, 10=31mm
+ Gewicht: 1=16g, 2=26g, 3=28g, 4=30g, 5=34g, 6=40g, 7=40g, 8=45g, 9=50g, 10=56g

Offset Nut Set No. 7-11

Der Klassiker ist zurück auf dem Markt!

Die komplexe Form dieser Klemmkeile bietet vielseitige Legemöglichkeiten - vor allem wenn sonst nichts mehr passt helfen die Offset´s meist weiter!

Das Original von HB wurde hierbei von DMM überarbeitet und entsprechend verbessert. Dank der farbigen Eloxierung ist die Größenunterscheidung sehr einfach möglich. Zudem sind verbesserte Drahtkabel und bei den 2 größten Größen zusätzliche Aussparungen zur Gewichtsoptimierung hinzugekommen. Weitere Neuerungen sind die DMM optimierte Wärmebehandlung welche die physikalischen Eigenschaften der Legierung im Biss maximiert. Jetzt sind die Offsets fit für das 21. Jahrhundert.

+ Größe, Gewicht, Haltewerte, Farbe
+ Nummer 07: 27 g, 12 kN, Gold
+ Nummer 08: 30 g, 12 kN, Blau
+ Nummer 09: 37 g, 12 kN, Rot
+ Nummer 10: 45 g, 12 kN, Grau
+ Nummer 11: 56 g, 12 kN, Hellblau
+ Set 7-11: 195 g, 12 kN, 5-teilig

Special Set including Wallnuts 1-11 and Offset Nut Set No. 7-11

Wallnut Set No. 1-11

Following the launch of the new extruded walnuts size 7 to 11 last year we have gone one step further and anodised them for easier recognition.
Also understanding the climbers preference to mix and match we have ensured that our new Wallnut colours mirror our Sister company Wild Country’s Rock colours size for size, thereby making the climbers life easier. After all that is our ultimate goal to make the climber’s life as simple as possible allowing you to concentrate more fully on the climbing itself.
Maybe it won’t be too long before other companies follow suit ?
+ Colour coded for easy recognition.
+ Lighter Extruded sizes 7-11
+ Hot forged smaller sizes 1-6
+ Colour compatibility with other Brands

Wallnuts: Some may argue that the Wallnut is a nut for the more experienced climber, allowing more advanced placements to be utilised. This is achieved by the nut featuring flared trapezoid sides and a scalloped, flared front face. In -half in- placements and flared cracks the Wallnut works like magic. The downside is the more featured casting of the nut is slightly more prone to hanging up in cracks, making it a potentially more stubborn wire to remove.

DMM is bringing an old favourite back to the market. The high demand for these nuts is because their complex offset shape offers placement opportunities when nothing else will fit.

These nuts are based on the famed HB Alloy Offsets and were produced using modified versions of the original HB dies. In typical DMM fashion we have brought them into the 21st century with colour coded sizing, recessed wires, bonded heads to stop slippage (from autumn 08) and lightening holes in the largest two sizes.

Other features include, DMM's accurate heat treatment process optimises the physical properties of the alloy to maximise bite, We've recessed the top of the nut and countersunk all other drilled radiuses in order to avoid stress points where the wire enters the nut (this also protects the wire from abrasion damage), the nuts are all rumbled well to remove sharp edges that can hinder placement, we use a full size crimp because this is critical to safety and the label is upside down so you can check the size easily when they are on your harness it's also double sealed so that it does not tear over time.

+ Number 7: 31g 12kN Gold
+ Number 8: 30g 12Kn Blue
+ Number 9: 39g 12Kn Red
+ Number 10: 46g 12Kn Grey
+ Number 11: 55g 12Kn Light Blue

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